What careers really interest you?

A career choice is an expression of personality

John Holland

When people think about changing careers they often think about doing an Assessment! The good news is that there are lots of choices. The bad news is that there is a lot of rubbish out there :).

One assessment that has stood the test of time is based on the work of John Holland.

His theory is that different personality types work better in some careers than others.

He proposed 6 basic types and then connected them to particular types of work.

He argues that we have elements of all 6 personality types but one or two types are likely to be dominant.

Find your dominant types and you could increase your work satisfaction and stability.

In my experience this is good tool to spark some conversations. But remember that personality is not the only determinant of job satisfaction. This assessment doesn’t include values, skills or abilities.

Why not give it go and then connect to talk through your results.


How to be yourself at work